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1. What do you wish you had more of in your own or your family’s life? (Choose your top 3)
Time outdoors or in nature
Time with loved ones
A stronger connection to my community
Better access to good mental health support or care
Better access to good physical health care
Childcare when I need it
More income to support me or my family’s needs
More outlets for creative expression
Something else
If something else, please explain:
2. Looking back, what made the biggest positive impact on your life as a youth or young adult (16-25 years of age)? (Choose your top 3)
A teacher/mentor who took an interest in me
A parent/caregiver who was a consistent and positive presence in my life
A spiritual community or practice
Mental health care/counseling
Spending time in nature or outdoors
Having an outlet for creative expression
Engaging in a hobby or sport
Supportive friend(s)
Having a safe space to spend time outside my home
Strong cultural community and identity
Something else
If something else, please explain:
3. What changes are needed to support the lives of youth and young adults and their families in California now? (Choose your top 3)
Help to meet basic needs such as housing, food
Programs that support teens/young adults who have gone through a hard time
Better educational opportunities
Safe spaces for teens/young adults to engage with their community
Easy, affordable access to good mental health support and care
Improvements in communities, such as more parks and trees, better transportation, and increased safety
Something else
If something else, please explain:
4. What are the biggest barriers that prevent youth and young adults and their families from thriving in your community? (Choose your top 3)
Lack of money
Lack of safe and affordable housing
Limited access to healthy foods
Shortage of childcare options
Difficulty getting health care
Difficulty getting mental health support
Hard to get education and training for better work
No community spaces for teens/young adult
Lack of safe, natural, outdoor environments
Lack of jobs that pay well
Discrimination (for example, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia)
Something else
If something else, please explain:
5. What does your community do well to help youth and young adults and their families thrive? (Choose your top 3)
Makes teachers and mentors available to young people
Fosters strong relationships with neighbors, parents, and caregivers
Has supportive spiritual communities
Provides access to quality mental health care/counseling
Creates ways for young people to spend time in nature and the outdoors
Makes outlets for creative expression available to young people
Creates opportunities for young people to participate in hobbies and sports
Provides education for young people and caregivers
Ensures families have access to healthy foods
Has safe, affordable housing programs
Promotes cultural celebrations and expression
Something else
If something else, please explain: